Durata: 4 hours
Tempo massimo di fruizione del corso: 60 days
Destinatari: Employees of all public and private companies belonging to a class of lower risks
Periodicità di aggiornamento: 6 hours every 5 years
Attestato di frequenza: Each participant will recive a certificate, after having successfully passed the final test, pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement 21 December 2011.
Sintesi contenuti:
- Figures on occupational
- Accidents and near miss injuries and Commuting accident
- Work Environment , Display screen and Office Pathology
- Manual handling
- Electrical hazzard
- Slipping risks
- Robbert Risks
- Alchol and drugs
- PPE and Signs
- Emergencies, Evacuation and fire procedures and firse aid organisational procedure
Costo del corso: 45€
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